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I've just finished making a tool which adds Sleep Mode to any gba game!
After using the patch tool, Press L+R+Start to sleep, and Select+Start to wake up.
First file is buggy release #1, second file is release #2
"We are merely sprites that dance at the beck and call of our button pressing overlord."
umm.. THANK YOU!!
I come from PH in peace! ;)
ok, I downloaded it a few days ago, but still!
Last edited by r0ni (2007-07-07 9:39:35 pm)
I came form PH as well, thank you very much!
it just needs a nice batch option heh :)
I have a question about building the patch.bin file. Every attempt I've made has produced branch instructions with a bad relative address. I'd assume this is because I'm compiling it wrong. This is what I'm doing.
I have devkitarm, with gcc 4.0.1. I run:
arm-elf-gcc -c -o patch.o patch.s
arm-elf-objcopy -O binary patch.o patch.bin
The result is that branch instructions will jump 84 instructions past where they're supposed to jump to (compared against the inlcuded patch.bin). Any ideas on what stupid mistake I'm making?
I used this:
arm-eabi-as patch.s -o patch.o
arm-eabi-objcopy -O binary patch.o patch.bin
and got an identical file to what I distributed.
Maybe you need a new devkitpro, or to use "as" instead of "gcc".
"We are merely sprites that dance at the beck and call of our button pressing overlord."
Yep, all it took was downloading a newer version of devkitarm (r23b to be exact). Thanks for the information.
Trying to patch some PD roms with no luck. Not all the games can be patched?
Herg's Solitaire. Im trying to catch Herold with no luck. It's good to have savestates to shuffle the cards in subway. I'm just though to ask him to renew it. But sleep mode will be ok.
It's just a very unexpected way to install an IRQ handler:
ldr r1,=handler
mov r0, 0x7000
add r0,r0,0x03000000
str r1,[r0,0xFFC]
Normally people do something like this:
ldr r1,=handler
ldr r0,=0x03007FFC
str r1,[r0]
Just a misguided compiler optimization. If this code was running from IWRAM, it would be 1 cycle faster than the usual code. But since it's not (runs from EWRAM), it ends up being slower anyway.
"We are merely sprites that dance at the beck and call of our button pressing overlord."
Well... Thanks.
Pages: 1