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Hey, I was wondering were I could obtain the SNES emulator for the GBA movie player?? Is there one yet?? Thanks
Y? I've seen it advertised for other devices. I guess what Im getting at is it my GBA or my movie player?
The GBA movie player isn't like other devices. It provides no extra memory, so it can only run programs that can exist entirely within 384k of ram. If you want to run SnesAdvance, get a real flash cartridge, or supercard/m3. And Snesadvance runs like crap anyway.
"We are merely sprites that dance at the beck and call of our button pressing overlord."
That helps alot... I was thinking of trying another device but since SNESadvance is nearly an imposiblity I'll just stick with what I've got. Looks like a DS is in my future tho. Thanks again Dwed
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