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The games always start with these odd colors. The top is what it looks like on Goomba Color, the middle is the GBC palette, and the bottom is SGB. For all games, when I click "Prefer SGB over GBC", "Prefer GBC over SGB", and "GBC+SGB", it gives me results like what you see here in the picture. It seems like these three options all do the exact same thing; I don't see any changes at all when I select them and restart. It just gives me the game with this weird palette. If I go to display settings, I can select the GBC palette and that will work fine. And if I select the "GB" option instead of the other three, it gives me the GBC palette without the border, which I guess is good enough but I'd still rather have borders if possible, and the SGB color options are still a bit better for games like Donkey Kong 94
There also doesn't seem to be an option to default to a particular palette so I'd have to find it again each time for the games that have a premade palette. Is there a way to add more perhaps? Then I could at least customize the options I have.
This program seems like a great way to get CIA injects on the 3DS with super game boy borders working so I'd love to know if there's a fix to this
Donkey Kong is not a GBC game, so the options which change priority when picking the Game Boy type do not apply.
"We are merely sprites that dance at the beck and call of our button pressing overlord."
Okay, got it. So this palette is supposed to be the SGB palette then, right? Why does it look like that? Is there a way to fix it?
Okay, got it. So this palette is supposed to be the SGB palette then, right? Why does it look like that? Is there a way to fix it?
Just realized, it seems like the attachment link doesn't seem to work, here's a link to the picture: … form_id=27
SGB palettes are applied to screen pixels rather than background tiles. So I'd need to iterate over the entire screens worth of tiles every frame and check and apply new palettes. It would be slow. So I didn't implement it, and it just uses the first palette out of the four palettes.
Added later 11 h 39 min 13 s:
The case for loading an SGB border then rebooting into regular GB mode was simply never considered. Maybe I should add that in.
Added later 12 h 12 min 29 s:
Also fixed the attachment thingy, it was running a non-working image viewer for image files. I disabled that.
"We are merely sprites that dance at the beck and call of our button pressing overlord."
Thanks for the response. Having an option for the borders in GB mode would be a pretty nice addition. I was also wondering if there was a way to make Goomba remember the last palette used? This would also be pretty convenient.
And also, is there a way to remove palette options? I was going to make a separate Goomba file for each game so this would make it easier to immediately turn on the palettes I want rather than scrolling through a list