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Welcome to Dwedit's Website! Here you will find some of the most crazy flash movies which ever graced the Earth, as well as a few of the most-downloaded games for the TI-83 series of calculators!
Use the side links on this page to navigate. You can also access the Dead TownEdit Page.
Suddenly, the message board needed to be upgraded to a distant new version, and features such as Attachments are not yet available.
Web host dropped support for old PHP versions, so that broke FluxBB. Also FluxBB is completely dead and no longer maintained, but someone was nice enough to port it over to PHP 8. Thanks Visman. https://github.com/MioVisman/FluxBB_by_Visman/
Edit: Migration completed, attachments should work again.
Edit 2: User accounts may have invalid passwords assigned to them. Try the "Forget Password" feature if that works, but if it doesn't, contact me and I can try to reset the password by directly editing the database.
JamezBond has been remastered in HD, with brand new graphics.
Watch the Flash Movie (Ruffle Player)
Here's a really tiny utility for Windows XP. You can hit WindowsKey + Left or WindowsKey + Right to move and resize a window to fill the left half or right half of your screen, just like the Aero Snap feature of Windows 7.
You can also use WindowsKey+Up to maximize the current window, and WindowsKey+Down to minimize the current window.
The exe is really tiny, just 2kb in size. No system tray icon, you need to close it with the task manager.
I've added some more NES covers to the NSF covers page!
I've just posted a new Text Editor which is a clone of the Firefox extension it's named after. This text editor lets you look up Japanese words by moving the mouse over them, just like Rikaichan.
Go to the page for RikaiChan-Clone Text Editor
I have created a page for my NSF Covers. This page uses a flash-based NSF player, so you can listen to the songs without a NES emulator or Winamp plugin.
I have released an alpha version of NES Chu Chu Rocket, a NES port of Sonic Team's GBA/Dreamcast game. See the NES Chu Chu Rocket page for more details.
The game is not yet finished, but puzzle mode is completely playable.
Now Firefox doesn't forcefully interpolate all the pixel art on this site anymore, as long as you have Firefox 3.5+
If you have pixel art on your website, add this stuff to your CSS files:
img[src$=".gif"] { image-rendering: -moz-crisp-edges; -ms-interpolation-mode: nearest-neighbor; }
img[src$=".png"] { image-rendering: -moz-crisp-edges; -ms-interpolation-mode: nearest-neighbor; }
Because the Verizon Razzle TXT8030 phone has major usability issues as a music player, I made a tool which converts playlists for the phone.
As far as I know, this is the only tool out there for that purpose! Otherwise you have to make your playslists by hand on the phone itself, which is basically impossible if you've dumped over 700 songs on it.
Go to the page for the Verizon Razzle Playlist Maker
Now I'm 25!
I'm getting old!