This is a NES homebrew port of Sega/Sonic Team's classic Chu Chu Rocket game, written in 6502 assembly language. The project was started in late February to early March of 2010, and I've released an Alpha version so you can try it out.
Download the alpha version.
Alpha Status:
This is an alpha version, the game is not yet finished.
What's in here:
- The game engine is all here, with smooth 60FPS animation of many characters on the screen all at once, which is very unusual for a NES.
- Puzzle Mode is complete and fully playable.
- Stage Challenge Mode is somewhat playable, the Get Mice!, Run Away!. and Lunch Time! levels are playable.
What's missing:
- There is no sound or music yet.
- It does not keep track of which levels you have cleared.
- There is no time limit in Stage Challenge Mode
- 100 Mice and Cat Soccer levels are not yet implemented.
- There is no multiplayer mode yet.
Start or A: Confirm or select something
B or Select: Cancel or go back
Puzzle Mode
A + Arrow: place an arrow, replace an arrow, or pick up an arrow
B: Take back the latest placed arrow
Select: Quit, or return to puzzle mode if the game is running.
Start: Set the game in motion! Also toggles double speed mode while the game is running.
Stage Challenge
A + Arrow: place an arrow. You can only have 3 on at a time, and can not place arrows on top of another. Arrows last for 10 seconds before they expire.
Select: Quit
Download the alpha version.
Emulator Compatibility
Fully compatible with:
Almost compatible with:
- LoopyNES - There is some screen shaking with a text window visible.
Screen shaking and scanline glitches in:
- Nester/nnnesterJ
- NESten
- RockNES X
Not compatible with:
Violent screen shaking and major graphics glitches in:
- JNes
- Nesticle
- Famtasia
- Fwnes
- Rew
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