Dwedit's Website - It's so Malto!
Home > Flash > Suzukisan

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What's this formation?
Imakuni?! Kobayashi?!! Raymond?!!! (me)
Such a strange combination!
Who are we, A Super-unit Sensation! SUZUKISAN!!! It's Showtime!

This Fanimutation is actually 2 flash movies in one. First there's the Preloader, which is an Animutation done to a techno beat, then when it's finished loading, you can play the real flash movie.

Music: Suzukisan - Torikaekko Puriizu (Let's Trade Please)

Preloader Music: Karsten Koch - Aryx. Get the original uncut tune at Modarchive.com. You'll need winamp or some other .s3m player to play it.

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More Information about this flash movie.